War of 1812
- 1812年战争;1812年战争,即英美战争(1812—1814)

Researches on Causes of the War of 1812
He led America into the War of 1812 to try to end British interference in American affairs .
War of 1812 and US Economic Independence
Was it the War of 1812 , Spanish-American War , Civil War or World War I ?
A : War of 1812 , Mexican American War , Civil War , or Spanish-American War .
Here we go , was it the War of 1812 , Civil War , Spanish-American War or World War I ?
The War of 1812 halted imports of pencils .
During the war of 1812 , Francis Scott Key wrote the words that will become America 's national anthem .
I will confine my remarks to the causes of the War of 1812 ; the next speaker will discuss its results .
He was a major general in the War of 1812 and became a national hero when he defeated the British at New Orleans .
President Madison swapped prisoners , too , during the war of 1812 , trading the enemy for American military personnel .
First , as the brilliant general whose crushing defeat of the British at New Orleans saved our independence in the War of 1812 .
It took a long period for the United States to realize this goal . War of 1812 with its decisive significance was the starting point of US economic independence .
This influence comes from stories told by his grandmother , his wet nurse and from the war of 1812 and his exiling to the southern Russia .
Interest-bearing bank notes were issued at the same time , but their purpose was limited to providing money for urgent government crises , such as American involvement in the war of 1812 .
This year , Canadians will host two major War of 1812 bicentennial re-enactments in the area , and , beginning this spring , visitors will be able to see the falls from a new luxury catamaran .
On this day in 1813 , the United States gets its nickname , Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson , a meat packer from Troy , New York , who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812 .